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How Three Bird Nest Transformed Customer Experience with Wonderment

A brand doesn’t just go from “zero to hero” overnight. It takes time, energy and effort to grow into a reputable brand. And many new brands that are just starting out at the “zero” level are able to understand product-market fit and the overall demand for their products without building out an entire website thanks to marketplaces like Etsy. Etsy is an online marketplace that focuses on handmade, vintage items, and craft supplies that has millions of site visitors browsing their site every year. One brand that started out on Etsy, got the proof of concept that they were looking for and branched out to build their own brand outside of Etsy is Three Bird Nest. 

Three Bird Nest began in 2011 as a small Etsy shop selling accessories. Once they got proof of concept, they opened a stand-alone online store selling BOHO clothing and accessories. Today, it has grown into a women's clothing brand that sells directly to consumers (DTC) and through wholesale channels to retailers. The brand’s mission is to provide customers with perfectly fitting clothing, ensuring they feel great and are confident with how they look. 

Personalization is a big theme throughout the brands’ DNA. From the clothing that they offer to the experience that they deliver to customers, it’s clear that they would not be where they are today if it wasn’t for their relentless focus on delivering personalized experiences. The team in charge of delivering these personalized experiences to customers includes Dora Kibbee and Monica Cunningham. 

Dora has been with the company for 4 years, overseeing the Customer Experience Team. The team, as described by Dora is “dedicated to transforming every customer interaction into a budding relationship. Three Bird Nest developed its policies and procedures based on customer feedback, ensuring the voice of the customer is central to their operations.” It’s clear if you go to their site, that this team is laser-focused on the CX.

The other key member of the Three Bird Nest team includes Monica Cunningham. Monica has been with the company for 5 years and oversees the overall strategy of the site. She told us that a “large part of my role is maintaining the boutique-y feel of our brand by working with Dora on enhancing our CX and emphasizing personalization throughout the site.”

Challenges Faced

To get to where the site and brand is today, Three Bird Nest had to get through some growing pains. While the team was using a competitor of Wonderment, they were facing issues that were holding back their business.

Dora explained that “we were getting inundated with customers reaching out to us over the weekends asking us where their orders were. These WISMO (where is my order) tickets piled up and held us back from delivering our customers with a strong experience.” 

In addition to the high number of WISMO tickets, the tracking pages that their previous provider offered were redirecting customers to a third-party website, which “limited our ability to not only deliver a strong CX to our customers, but also held back our ability to own that data and potentially leverage it to generate more revenue for the business,” Monica told us. And if this wasn’t a big enough headache, “our previous software was very expensive and just didn’t make financial sense for us,” Cunningham added. 

Transition to Wonderment

All of these factors added up and led the team to consider making a move to another provider. The team did their research online and came across Wonderment and selected them for three main reasons:


  • Personalization: “Wonderment’s robust personalization features aligned with our goal of enhancing the customer experience,” Monica explained 
  • Cost-Effectiveness: “Wonderment offered us a much more affordable solution compared to our previous provider, with the ability for us to make more money off of their robust suite of tools,” Dora told us. 
  • The Team: “Right from the outset it was clear that the Wonderment team knew what they were talking about and they were very clear and proactive with their communication,” Monica added. 

Once the team made the move to Wonderment, they quickly realized that they made the right decision. “The onboarding process with Wonderment was seamless. The Wonderment team managed the setup efficiently, requiring minimal input from our team. They were extremely proactive and quickly validated themselves as an extension of our team. And since we are a small company, having a team like Wonderment supporting us goes such a long way,” Monica told us. 

Results Achieved with Wonderment

Shortly after Three Bird Nest made the move to Wonderment, they began seeing tangible results. Dora told us that “the average weekly reduction in WISMO tickets was reduced by about 5%, which meant that we were delivering our customers a more seamless experience, while reducing the workload of our CX team.”

In addition to reducing the number of WISMO tickets that they were receiving, now that Three Bird Nest is able to deliver brands an “owned” tracking experience, they are seeing tangible revenue growth, rather than sending the traffic to a third party site. Dora told us that “the order tracking pages are converting at 5.5%. With our previous provider, we were getting no revenue off of these pages, so all of this revenue is additive to our business. In addition to the new revenue stream that Wonderment opened up for us, we were able to add a new footer to our site. The footer allows our customers to more accurately track the status of their orders more effectively, which is helping contribute to our goal of delivering a best in class CX. Wonderment is not only helping us make more money, but it is making it possible for our customers to get what they need, when they need it, reducing the effort needed on our team.” 

One other area that the team called out is Wonderment’s API’s. “Since 75% of our customers make purchases on their mobile devices, being able to integrate with our SMS provider (Attentive) was really important to us so we could meet our customers where they are. And Wonderment’s API allows for that seamless integration that affords us the ability to communicate order statuses directly with our customers,” Monica explained. 

In the event that there's an issue with a particular order, Wonderment has Three Bird Nest covered. “When we have a packaging delay or a lost shipment, Wonderment automatically alerts us so we can proactively reach out to the impacted customer to let them know about the delay and offer them personalized support. This goes a long way in delivering a memorable customer experience and building a lasting brand, and I know the customers really care about this touchpoint,” Dora told us. 

Future Plans with Wonderment

Three Bird Nest is undergoing a number of exciting site updates that will allow for them to better scale their business as they continue to grow. When it comes time to thinking about CX, the team is planning to look into adding  estimated delivery dates at checkouts and on the product detail pages (PDPs) in 2025 to “better enhance the customer experience and transparency,” Monica told us. 

It’s clear that Three Bird Nest’s partnership with Wonderment has significantly improved their customer experience, operational efficiency, and revenue. By addressing the critical challenges they faced with their previous provider and leveraging Wonderment’s robust features, Three Bird Nest continues to enhance their online presence and customer satisfaction. Future updates promise even more personalized and efficient customer experiences, aligning perfectly with the brand’s core values.

If you are interested in learning more about how Wonderment can help increase your CX, set-up time with our team to learn more.