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Enhancing Seeq: Tequila Sunrise’s Innovative Email & SMS Marketing Strategies

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"Every audience responds differently to all sorts of initiatives, and subject lines are no exception. That’s why we prioritize A/B testing from the get-go...Always remember that looking back at the data helps formulate more effective tests.”

Zac Fromson, COO at Tequila Sunrise

What makes Tequila Sunrise unique? 

Tequila Sunrise isn’t your average lifecycle marketing agency. We’re a team of daring, creative, and data-driven retention marketers, obsessed with helping you stand the f*ck out, create irresistible offers and turn one-time buyers into raving fans. We operate as an extension of YOUR team and find results through our unique creativity and data-driven approach. What’s not to love?

Tequila Sunrise Logo

What are your roles & responsibilities at Tequila Sunrise? 

I operate as the COO and oversee the success of our partners as well as improving our processes and service offerings at the agency. Having worked on over 500 brands, I have extensive expertise in working in the DTC industry across retention and paid initiatives.

How do you familiarize yourself with each brand and learn their tone of voice? 

Learning your brand from the inside out is the foundation of creating a successful email & SMS marketing program. We don’t believe in cutting corners, which is why our onboarding process is thorough (from a strategic and organizational, to a creative standpoint). 

We begin by gathering your company’s data and preferences through a questionnaire, which leads us to the creation of tone tests and concept graphics that are nothing short of amazing. The best part? We want to make this process as collaborative (or not collaborative!) as possible, depending on your needs as a business. Our goal is to make your brand the best in the industry by bringing your creative vision to life. 

What's your favorite part about working with Seeq? 

We love how engaged their audience is, which makes it easy to decide between restricting and opening up the campaign segments–they have a cult-like following due to their social media presence.

They are pleasant to work with–very respectful of the partnership and don’t stress over requests that are not feasible (i.e. short turnaround window for production, edits, etc). Still, we try to deliver as much as we can!

Tell me something you're proud of that you achieved with Seeq? 

Before working with us (DEC 2022), the account’s highest Klaviyo Attributed Revenue (KAR) percentage for a single month was only at 30% with an average monthly KAR percentage of 23% for the last 6 months of 2022. Since then, we have been steadily increasing their average monthly KAR percentage. We’re now averaging 35% of KAR, month over month, for the last 6 months with the highest being 46% in FEB 2024.

What was the highest converting email for Seeq? Why? 

The highest converting email for SEEQ is one we’ve created with a revenue of $132,540.06 and a place order rate of 1.5% (their Campaigns usually have placed order rates between 0.5 - 1%). It was a teaser email for their newest flavor at the time, Strawberry Lemonade, which has also become one of their 6 mainstay flavors. Here’s a preview of the email: Teaser: Strawberry Lemonade
What are your tips for coming up with catchy, clickable subject lines? 

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer here. Every audience responds differently to all sorts of initiatives, and subject lines are no exception. That’s why we prioritize A/B testing from the get-go. While using emojis in subject lines makes a difference in one account, another account may hit its peak performance with an urgency-based approach. Always remember that looking back at the data helps formulate more effective tests. 

How do you determine the notification/email sweetspot? 

We take several variables into account, most importantly: 

  • How often we have something new to tell our subscribers. 
  • Overall engagement.
  • How often people interact with the content we send. 
  • The size of the list and the number of different segments. 

All of the above mentioned points are essential to determining that sweet spot!

How have the updates from email providers against spam changed your email strategy?

Email providers have indeed tightened their regulations year after year. For instance, in 2024 Google and Yahoo made changes to authentication, unsubscribe options, and spam complaint rates. If you were prepared to tackle these changes (like us) the transition should have been a breeze and wouldn’t have impacted the account’s overall health much. We’ve been following these optimal practices even before the new regulations were enforced. If not… feel free to contact us so we can help 😉

What advice would you give to an email marketer who feels like they're running out of material to write for a brand? 

When all else fails, check the brand’s competitors, and what they’re posting on their social media:

  • YouTube and Twitter are great places to see what people are saying about a product/market/brand.
  • Look for blogs or forums where people are discussing issues related to what the brand solves.
  • Check the calendar – there may be upcoming holidays that match the brand’s overall strategy very well.

Where do you go for inspiration when working with a brand? 

There are numerous sources of inspo we can use! Here are some of the most effective:

  • Search out brand content (ie. blogs, recently launched programs, upcoming events or product launches, etc.).
  • Like we said in the last answer, check competitors! Not only can it be used as an effective way to gain ideas, but it could also give you insight into what you do NOT want to do.
  • Review the account’s previous performance. There is no better way to gain inspo than looking at what went well (or did not go well) in the past.
  • Really Good Emails or Milled are always great to review. Even if you don’t want to move forward with the given topic covered, it could lead to coming up with your own ideas.
  • Last but not least, content calendars! Did you know there is such thing as a National Protein Powder Day? Search those calendars out, they will fuel some amazing ideas!

In the email marketing world, what's the most memorable email that you think has ever been sent? 

ANY email from Birddogs. They are hilarious, unique, and tongue-in-cheek and I’m sure anyone who’s subscribed to their list looks forward to reading whatever they send.

What brand do you love to receive emails from? 

  • Birddogs: They excel in crafting emails that are visually appealing, very funny, and provide value to their subscribers, whether through exclusive offers, interesting stories, or useful tips related to their products. 
  • Airbnb: Does a great job with personalized recommendations, travel inspiration, and special offers tailored to their subscribers’ preferences and past interactions with the platform. 
  • Patagonia: Their emails align with people’s values and interests beyond just their products. They frequently share content related to environmental activism, outdoor adventures, and community initiatives, reflecting the brand’s commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

Are there any newsletters you read to keep up with the DTC/marketing space? 

Marketing Examples, Indie Hackers, and Everyone Hates Marketers. These all provide practical examples of successful marketing strategies used by a wide range of companies. Not only this, but they act as real-world examples of campaigns and tactics that have proven to be effective. They challenge conventional marketing wisdom and provide alternative approaches that prioritize authenticity, ethical practices, and genuine connection with customers. They’re a refreshing counterbalance to more traditional marketing resources.